I was on vacation visiting my best friend Adelina. We were talking outside her house when I saw a big old house, so I asked her about it. She said there were a lot of rumors, everyone said it was haunted by an old woman wh had died there.
I was really curious so I asked if we could explore the house. She was scared at first, but she gave in after I promised I'd give her one of my CDs.
The house was completely abandoned, it was filled with dust and spiders and even bats! I thought it was really cool and Jazmine thought it was scary, but remembering what I had promised, she followed me.
After a few minutes we found the library, which was on the second floor, and suddenly, the flashlight that we had taken stopped working: the batteries were dead. Adelina screamed and while I was trying to calm her down, we heard a noise, which made her scream louder, so I told her we could get out out of there if that made her feel better.
We run a lot and my best friend hid behind a tree while I looked at the house one more time and saw an old woman by the window. It was really scary.

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