1. THE CLASH- London Calling
The song expres the worry felt by Strummer ( Brithish musician who did this song) about the things that are happening in the world. The song included social displacament.
The lyrics reflects the desperation of the band's situacion in 1979 who had problems because of the high debt, also with the lack of management ( they didn't know if the London Calling album it had to be a single or double album.
It's a cries for help to the London society and to the whole world. There are some sentences on the lyrics that reflects the concent of the band situacion after the punk rock boom in England, 1977.
London Calling is the song of the streets. It can be the soundtrack of any city with problems such as unempolyement, delincuency or drugs.
The exit and the repercussion of the song it was very big and this song has been released in some films such as "London boulevard" and "Billie Elliot"
1. THE CLASH- London Calling
The song expres the worry felt by Strummer ( Brithish musician who did this song) about the things that are happening in the world. The song included social displacament.

It's a cries for help to the London society and to the whole world. There are some sentences on the lyrics that reflects the concent of the band situacion after the punk rock boom in England, 1977.
London Calling is the song of the streets. It can be the soundtrack of any city with problems such as unempolyement, delincuency or drugs.
The exit and the repercussion of the song it was very big and this song has been released in some films such as "London boulevard" and "Billie Elliot"
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