My New Year Resolutions are those things that you propose to do or complete during the new year.

My New Year Resolutions are:

1. I'm going to study better, I'll go to study more to geet an excellent in all of my subjects.
Resultado de imagen de study

2. Earn money or start saving money because I want a new mobile phone

Resultado de imagen de earn money

3. Learn some languages because I want to travel the world

Resultado de imagen de learn languages

4. Adopt a cute pet, because I love animals.

Resultado de imagen de adopt a pet

5. Get more organized

Resultado de imagen de get more organized

6. Watch series in English because I'll learn more.

Resultado de imagen de netflix

7. Work during the summer.
Resultado de imagen de work

8. Go to Sporting Events because I love them.

Resultado de imagen de sporting events

9. Go out to party every weekend

Resultado de imagen de go out to party

10. Read more because I think it's very important

Resultado de imagen de read


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