My mum is Marian. She is 44 years old and is an administrative. She is medium height and she is thin. She has got long black hair. Her eyes are also brown. She always wear nice clothes. Her favourite hobbie is doing paddle. She plays this sport at least three times a week.
 My father is 49 years old and he is a banker. He is called Jordi. He is as tall and thin. He has got short black hair. His eyes are brown and has got round face. He usually wears a sweater and jeans. When he is working, he always wear a suit, a blazer and a tie. He can't live without doing sport. He loves running.
Finally, my brother is called Jordi, like my father. She is 18 years old. She is studying at university. My brother looks like my father. He has got short brown hair and it's very tall. He likes sports, he used to play padel, like my mum. 


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